Web 2.0 - are websites that allow you to share and collaborate information, pictures, and audio files through the world wide web. A example of web 1.0 would be a site that allows you to upload information for your personal use, but with web 2.0 when you upload that same information to can share that with anyone.
4Shared - is a website where you can upload, access, and share your music, photos, and other files. This is a free website and you can hold up to 10GB of information for free. Using 4Shared can really help keep me organized and I could use it to store files that I would need by accesses them with ease from different computers. As a future teacher this could help my students save files that the would need at home and at school.
Tokbox - is a website where you can video chat online with out a download. Tokbox is a lot Skype but with Skype you have to download it to use the application. Not only that, through Tokbox you can collaborate and share videos, as well as video conferencing. As a future teacher I could use Tokbox to help subs with lesson plans, talk to students with homework issues, or even have a person talk to my classroom to give personal perspective on some project we are doing.
Enjoyed your Tokbox applications! Certainly a very powerful little tool.